Monday, July 28, 2008

First steps

So the journey has started along with a whole lot of other stuff, all at once( such is the way of the universe)!
and i have started to pull things together. The project requres 5 one minute "works" and ive decided to dig deep into the skills i've learned through my course in multimedia. 5 works 5 different styles. Video, stop animation, flash animation, comics, and motion graphics.
Last year i found my feet in simple character animation( after a lot of trial and error, mainly error). Here are a couple of the character designs...



So, this is the kind of route im on at the moment, character based and funny
Think of the Mika's video for lollipop, if you havent seen it, youtubes your friend!

1 comment:

dean henning said...

These are the same characters from your portfolio last year?

They're very cool.

Nice if you could have the images placed in your post...